Saturday, June 11, 2011


Well.  I've started a blog. 

For those of you who know me, you would have never thought this would happen, but there were a few things that have happened the last few years that have brought this idea to light. 

The first thing happened one fateful 4th of July when I got a call from my good friends Josh and Annie.  Without getting into a tremendous amount of detail and potential embarrassment, we'll just say that I found out during that call that Josh didn't know very much about Classic Rock music, which is something that is very near and dear to me. 

I resolved to teach him about the music that I loved so much, so I set about to make him several Cd's that ranged from the beginning of Rock and Roll until the end of the 80's.  Instead of just handing him a bunch of songs with no context behind him, I created liner notes for each song which detailed title, artist, year of release and a little tidbit related to each song.  That tidbit might be about the song itself, the artist, or perhaps something personal to me about the song. 

In creating these liner notes, I discovered many things that I never knew.  And I considered myself fairly knowledgeable about the subject, but by no means an expert.  Researching these songs created in me another eventual reason for this blog, the enjoyment of learning so much more about one of my favorite things.

Now, the final piece that brought this idea into my head, was the discovery of a book called 1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die And 10,001 You Must Download.  In looking through that book, I saw many songs that I was completely unfamiliar with, so therefore, my thirst for more knowledge was piqued.  Having just bought the book, I really haven't looked through it all that much, but came up with the idea for this blog on my way home. 

My plan for this blog is to get a random number from between 1 and 1001, listen to whichever song is represented by that number, then post my thoughts and maybe a bit of information about that song in the hopes that you, whoever you may be, will want to check them out yourself.

This may work, this may not work, it's very possible that nobody will care, but oh well.  I think it'll be fun, and I'm nothing if not self-indulgent.

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